Top 5 Digital Apps for Real Estate Investing


In today’s digital age, one needs to stay on top of all the available apps and latest trends to get the best impact for your business.

Today, we’ll dive into the real estate marketplace and discover all the tools investors have at their disposal.

  1. Zillow
    Probably the most popular real estate app on the planet that’s more than just for investors.Zillow allows you to easily search for real estate, map it out, see property price history, get tax data and more.Probably the easiest app to navigate and it’s always being updated.
  2. Connected Investors Real Estate Investing App
    This real estate investing app is what helps you connect with other local real estate professionals to help buy and sell houses that allows you to get instant notifications of properties that have become available in your local market.In addition to finding deals, this app also helps you get funding for your projects while building a list of local buyers – which is critical in the real estate world.
  3. Pinpoint
    Pinpoint Profits is a new software from the CIX team that’s ages ahead of any of the real estate lead gen type of software that’s hit the market.
    Essentially with this tool, you’ll be able to have data that no other company provides to connect with sellers to make deals happen from a smart phone.
  4. BA Financial Calculator Pro
    This app allows you to configure payment settings and return on investments similar to the Texas Instruments BA2 Plus for a fraction of the cost.
  5. Redfin App

    The home estimates on this app seem to be more updated and accurate compared to that of Zillow.This app is also a discount brokerage firm with lower rates than your traditional real estate agent.